Hair Loss Hair Loss Treatments
Female Hair Loss Stop Hair Loss
There was an article in “Mypaper” today on Sun Xie Zhi, one of the Taiwanese boy band members on his fight against hair loss. It was reported in the article that Sun Xie Zhi had very sparse hair when born however he soon suffered hair loss as a result of injury to his scalp from prolonged wearing of armoured helmet during shooting periods.
It was not a surprise to me that Sun Xie Zhi has hair loss because I have seen his thinning hair in TV shows. Being a hair loss victim myself, I am more conscious of the balding and thinning patterns of males and females, artistes or non-artistes alike.
In the photo of the article, Sun was seen showing off his increased mane of hair. It was revealed that he has spent close to 6 figures on his improved crown of glory. I was shocked! At this price (minimum $100,000), one can easily get the more proven method of hair loss replacement method. Or is he talking about Taiwanese dollars? With 1 US dollar = 32 Taiwan dollars (approximate), the price tag would be around $3,125 minimum. Sun further shared that he would be endorsing the brand of treatment as a spokesman soon.