In my earlier posts, I have written about the difficulty of finding a shampoo which could cure hair loss and as well as preventing oily scalp. Well that is one shampoo which may have slipped my mind then: Nizoral shampoo is a shampoo which is reputed to cure hair loss as well as prevent dandruff.
I have used Nizoral shampoo before the other time, though to me at that time, my hair loss still persist, probably still due to the side effect of laser but I could say that Nizoral really delivers a clean solution to my dandruff solutions!
We could use Nizoral shampoo twice per week, interspersed with a regular shampoo: this should have some results over sometime. I think I am going to buy Nizoral shampoo soon to be used in conjunction with Kanz shampoo.
Hair treatment centres like Bee Choo work partly by removing the oil from the scalp. When the scalp is free of oil, less hair fall. Thus I always find myself experiencing more hair loss as more days passed after the last Bee Choo treatment.
Thus the real cure of a balding scalp may be to cure an oily scalp!
Hence I believe I would be reverting to Nizoral to rid of oil and dandruff, say twice per week and on other days use Kanz hair nourishing shampoo. I hope that the Nizoral shampoo will rid my scalp of impurities so that the nutrients of Kanz shampoo would better penetrate into the scalp, resulting in a much lesser hairfall.
I think I would be experimenting on this as now my scalp, after 3 weeks of not going to Bee Choo Hair, is now super oily!