Today, in this post, I would like to share with all of you something personal, that is a ritual I carry out daily for the past 3 years since my hair starts to drop and drop and drop!
The ritual is counting of fallen hair! Do you know I still practise the counting of my fallen hairs everyday! After every shampoo and washing off the shampoos, I will crouch down on the bathroom floor, close my eye as my fingers reach for the drainhole of the bathroom. My fingers will then feel whether the hair shed today would be a lot or not. Then I slowly open my eyes to face the reality… as a bunch of fallen hairs greet me! But this bunch of fallen hairs have since decreased after I bought the E-book (see my previous posts) and learnt the great techniques to combat the loss in hair!
The same practice goes after every morning waking up. I shake my pillows and blanket to dislodge all fallen hairs and with these fallen hairs, count them to see whether there is an improvement.
Sometimes if you count fewer hair dropped during shampoo, do not be too happy! It may be due to the strong gust of wind you encountered before reaching home which has already blown a number of your hairs around in the public!