With Singapore’s economic in the doldrums and where retrenchments are hogging the headlines of the dailies almost everyday, it is imperative that Singaporeans constantly find new work opportunities. Economic recession is a good period for retraining of oneself to be equipped with the skills and qualifications for his next career.
Medical Assistant is one of the professions that is slated to be fastest growing in the next few years, Singaporeans can well consider taking up this position when the economy picks up. Singaporeans should think not only locally but globally in terms of career choices. If there are not enough jobs in Singapore, Singaporeans should try to explore securing jobs in other countries. The opportunities of medical assistant are picking up globally.
One can earn the qualifications of a medical assistant via online distance-learning from Medical Assistant Schools. St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants is one such school which offers a comprehensive medical assistant curriculum. With the economic downturn slated to be protracted, it pays to acquire additional skills and qualifications to weather the vagaries in the economy.