My True story Like many of you, I am also a victim of hair loss ….. More and more Singaporean men are losing their ‘crowns of glory’ and this trend may be getting earlier and earlier.On the streets in these recent years, we may spot a relatively number of young men who are bald or balding. Compare this phenomenon to say ten years ago when this phenomenon is not commonly seen. This balding trend among Singaporean men is sparking an increasing proliferation of hair treatment centres. Hair treatment centres have practically sprung up all over the island with the likes of Beijing 101, Yunnan, Svenson, Bossin, etc.Causes of hair loss can be hereditary, or caused by stress, drug medications, poor diets, oily scalp etc and these causes manifest into the many forms or types of hair loss such as male pattern baldness, telogen effluvium, alopecia areata, etc. A normal human loses about 50 to 100 hairs per day and this loss is not alarming. However if more than this number is lost per day, ...