CONGRATULATIONS! By discovering this website, you have taken the first step to discovering what can be a possible cure of what is terribly bothering you: Hair Loss!
Everyday we witness many people, men and women, young and old losing their hair. It is obvious, just go on to the streets and it is not hard for you to spot a shiny plate of scalp or two among a dozen of people. And the worst thing is: the balding trend is catching on among the youth…..they are not spared either.
Stress, lack of nutrition, improper hair care are the oft-cited causes of hair loss. Whatever the reasons, one common thread binds all hair loss sufferers: the indescribable feeling of loss of esteem, sense of pride and sexiness! And women may be the worse hit than men.
There are as many solutions of hair loss as hair causes: scalp treatment centres in the likes of Beijing 101, Yunnan, Bossin, Trikocare………., scientifically proven methods such as finasteride and propecia…….and many others more. But we all know that not all of these methods work for different people, and we may be jumping from one product to another, trying to hope that the next product we try may work miracles for us while it is still not TOO late. The problem is, the day of regain of hair or reduction in hairfall seems elusive as we experience a thinner crown day after day and a thinner pocket each time we try one product after another.
No one likes to talk about something that is sad and hurtful to him or her, it is the same for hair loss. No one likes to be jeered about, asked about by others on “WHAT HAPPENED?”- especially by others who still have hair. Hair loss sufferers are trying to save their crown but this dream may never materialize or takes a long long time.
Why this support group?
Losing your hair despites countless visits to the doctors, hair treatment centres and uses of anti hairloss products? Your hair is thinning and you would like to seek advice from others who face the same problem before it is too late or trying out another hair care product? FINALLY ……..HELP IS HERE! Introducing Singapore hair loss support group for men and women, boys and gals alike who face this annoying problem!
This hair loss support group is borned out of my fervent wish to salvage my hair, your hair and many more while it is still early. Undeniably, on our path to rescuing our hair, we have tried a raft of treatments and products, all to no use. Some of them may even make our hair and scalp even worse.
Instead of hopping from product to product, would not it be nice if all of us hair loss sufferers can band together, render each other support, help and advice in face of our balding problems?
Each of us definitely would have tried some hair loss products that others may not have tried. Each of us must thus have each of our individual unique experiences with the shampoo, lotion, medicine and treatments which we have tried.
Thus it would be indeed GREAT if each of us can share with all of us in our hair loss support group each of our experiences with the product we use: which product cause further harm or exacerbation to our existing problem? Which product does improve the situation? It is well appreciated that each of us can proactively share our experiences, make our hair loss support group ALIVE and kicking and amidst all, it is hoped that through our sharing, we can find a ‘cure’ which is most suitable to our individual condition and improve our condition. At the same time, we can render each of us support and become good friends in future.
When there are sufficient members, all of us can meet together face to face over some meals for a get-together and sharing. As with the saying, one is always not enough…..if we do have enough members, we can together leverage as a group and lobby for cheaper prices for some medicines………everything is POSSIBLE! WE HAIR LOSS SUFFERERS MAKE IT HAPPEN!
If you have friends who are also suffering from hair problems, invite them to join our hair loss support group. I have also opened up a Yahoo Group under (email: ), you and your friends are most welcome to sign on as member to this group to receive the latest news and sharing from this hair loss support group. Alternately, visit this website regularly where I and MANY OF YOU would be sharing our experiences.
You may email your self introduction to and your hair loss story, combats and experiences and I will upload them to this website to share with others too.
After saying so much, you may wonder WHO AM I to start this website? WHO AM I to know all about hair loss and their implications? Well, let me recount to you my hair loss story on another post coming soon!
Everyday we witness many people, men and women, young and old losing their hair. It is obvious, just go on to the streets and it is not hard for you to spot a shiny plate of scalp or two among a dozen of people. And the worst thing is: the balding trend is catching on among the youth…..they are not spared either.
Stress, lack of nutrition, improper hair care are the oft-cited causes of hair loss. Whatever the reasons, one common thread binds all hair loss sufferers: the indescribable feeling of loss of esteem, sense of pride and sexiness! And women may be the worse hit than men.
There are as many solutions of hair loss as hair causes: scalp treatment centres in the likes of Beijing 101, Yunnan, Bossin, Trikocare………., scientifically proven methods such as finasteride and propecia…….and many others more. But we all know that not all of these methods work for different people, and we may be jumping from one product to another, trying to hope that the next product we try may work miracles for us while it is still not TOO late. The problem is, the day of regain of hair or reduction in hairfall seems elusive as we experience a thinner crown day after day and a thinner pocket each time we try one product after another.
No one likes to talk about something that is sad and hurtful to him or her, it is the same for hair loss. No one likes to be jeered about, asked about by others on “WHAT HAPPENED?”- especially by others who still have hair. Hair loss sufferers are trying to save their crown but this dream may never materialize or takes a long long time.
Why this support group?
Losing your hair despites countless visits to the doctors, hair treatment centres and uses of anti hairloss products? Your hair is thinning and you would like to seek advice from others who face the same problem before it is too late or trying out another hair care product? FINALLY ……..HELP IS HERE! Introducing Singapore hair loss support group for men and women, boys and gals alike who face this annoying problem!
This hair loss support group is borned out of my fervent wish to salvage my hair, your hair and many more while it is still early. Undeniably, on our path to rescuing our hair, we have tried a raft of treatments and products, all to no use. Some of them may even make our hair and scalp even worse.
Instead of hopping from product to product, would not it be nice if all of us hair loss sufferers can band together, render each other support, help and advice in face of our balding problems?
Each of us definitely would have tried some hair loss products that others may not have tried. Each of us must thus have each of our individual unique experiences with the shampoo, lotion, medicine and treatments which we have tried.
Thus it would be indeed GREAT if each of us can share with all of us in our hair loss support group each of our experiences with the product we use: which product cause further harm or exacerbation to our existing problem? Which product does improve the situation? It is well appreciated that each of us can proactively share our experiences, make our hair loss support group ALIVE and kicking and amidst all, it is hoped that through our sharing, we can find a ‘cure’ which is most suitable to our individual condition and improve our condition. At the same time, we can render each of us support and become good friends in future.
When there are sufficient members, all of us can meet together face to face over some meals for a get-together and sharing. As with the saying, one is always not enough…..if we do have enough members, we can together leverage as a group and lobby for cheaper prices for some medicines………everything is POSSIBLE! WE HAIR LOSS SUFFERERS MAKE IT HAPPEN!
If you have friends who are also suffering from hair problems, invite them to join our hair loss support group. I have also opened up a Yahoo Group under (email: ), you and your friends are most welcome to sign on as member to this group to receive the latest news and sharing from this hair loss support group. Alternately, visit this website regularly where I and MANY OF YOU would be sharing our experiences.
You may email your self introduction to and your hair loss story, combats and experiences and I will upload them to this website to share with others too.
After saying so much, you may wonder WHO AM I to start this website? WHO AM I to know all about hair loss and their implications? Well, let me recount to you my hair loss story on another post coming soon!