With the closing of year 2009, I would like to Thank supporters of my hair loss support group from coming together and join me in my fight against the dreadful scourge which has afflicted so much suffering among hair loss victims and families: Hair Loss! I would not elaborate on the untold sufferings many of you have faced during your many battles against hair loss. These sharings have been documented in this blog and I must really acknowledge that these sharings are just but a tiny fraction of the myriads of undocumented and unexpressed frustrations and sadness many of you have experienced in seeing your treasured gems of hair falling away. Again, congratulations to some of you hair loss sufferers who have found improvements in your fight against hair loss. I would strongly encourage you to step forward and share your experiences with the larger brethen of hair loss sufferers who are spending their priceless time and monies batttling with the hair loss demon everyday. Hair Loss really...
HAIR LOSS SINGAPORE is Singapore's HAIR LOSS Support Blog for all Hair Loss sufferers! Come and Read HAIR LOSS SINGAPORE to learn all about how to reduce and prevent HAIR LOSS .... NOW!