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Showing posts from December, 2008

Biolyn Scalp Balancing Serum

Anyone has tried Biolyn products before? This hair tonic product is invented by our own Singapore Scientist. The Biolyn Scalp Balancing Serum is expensive 60 ml for $68! will it works? More information: Anyone has tried this product before and wants to share?

Should balding people jog or cycle?

Since I start to bald, I cut down the frequency of my jogging and cycling, as such activites expose my hair to the winds and this may cause the uprooting of my hair and more hair being blown away! Also, I discover I shed more hair upon shampooing after a jog! How many hair do you shed upon shampooing per day? What is a good hair loss shampoo you use and which you recommend? For me now, it seems that my current hair loss treatments do not work now and I need to find a new way to combat this irritable problem!

Hair Loss Club

Dear All Hair Loss Sufferers, I am currently planning to set up a hair loss support group. If you are interested to be part of the group, please email me your name and email to Together, we will share secrets to combat hair loss!

Balding Woes

This morning, I woke up as usual to find tons of hairs over my pillow and on the floor! I am always sad, seems that everything I do to stem the hair loss, comes to a nought. Like time, I can now comb my hair to make it neater. Nowadays, without much combing, my hair will always look neat as there is really much less hair already. I could have very nice side-parting with still lots of hair as support in the past. Now I could not do much side-parting as the flesh of the scalp will show... the balding areas. Thus if you are observant enough, as people bald, they change the parting of their hair from middle, to side and then as the balding spots grow, more and more to the side towards the ears! I have observed Actor Qi Yu Wu's hair getting thinner and thinner.. I have observd his hair and thought that he is starting to bald. One see his appearance as quite clean-shaven in the little nonya.... is it to hide his balding problem or just to protray his role in the seri...

Breeze and Hair Loss

These few days are truly breezy... even at night, it is breezy and not as hot and humid as what Singaporeans have encountere daily.. there is no sweat. However, these days, I shudder at having strong wind embracing me as I step out of house for the winds would just blow off more hair from my scalp. Gone are the days when I could actually enjoy a cool breeze!

Singapore Hair Loss

Having not updated my hair loss support website for 25 days, I was touched to see the hit counter surge to such a high number! I will hence try my very best to update my Singapore Hair Loss regularly to share with you readers my battle, experience in my combat against hair loss! So do visit this website often! Please contribute and share your hair loss stories with all of us too:

Singapore Hair Loss Cures

It has been some time (25 days to be exact) since I update this blog of time. Where have I been? You can actually find me on my main blog . The other time, I was sharing with you guys that I have been experimenting with Ba Wang Hair Strengthening shampoo and a reader has posted his enquiry on the post " Ma Guang Hair diagnosis ": asking me whether Ba wang is really that useful? I have bought Ba Wang Hair Strengthening Shampoo for $7.50 but I rue my purchase when I learnt later that there is actually another product from Ba Wang which deals with hair loss. However when I check out the product at a number of stores, this Ba Wang hair loss shampoo is sold together with the hair conditioner and not separate. This bothers me as I do not use a hair conditioner. In fact, I thought that using it after shampooing may result in further loss of hair as there is definitely more brushing of the hair. I learnt from the owner that the Ba Wang hair loss shampoo is also sold separately though...

Lao Fo Ye Hair Care Centre

Recently, I have noted the opening of a new hair care centre, called, Lao Fo Ye Hair Care Centre in Fu Lu Shou Complex. With the foray of this newcomer into the already crowded Singapore hair care centre markets, hair loss sufferers are spoilt for choice. It might be good but with so many choices to choose from, it might be quite a difficult decision.

Bee Choo Hair Treatment Centre

Two months back, Bee Choo Hair Treatment Centre has upped its price, for me, I have to pay $2 more. The reason I heard was the appreciation of the Japanese Yen and some of the hair products in Bee Choo Hair Centre hail from Japan . But overall, Bee Choo Hair still gives the best value for good money!


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