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Showing posts from February, 2011

Singapore Hair Loss: hair loss update

Dear reader, if you have followed me, you would have known that I have been losing hair for 5 years now. This afternoon, I saw a hair loss booth set up at the bottom of a shopping centre near me from another hair loss treatment centre. I purposely went close to the booth, you know what, the promoters did not target me as a hair loss victim!

Hair loss shampooing

When you have hair loss, you would need to pay very particular attention to the washing of your scalp. I now prefer to use a shower head as compared to a hose to wash my oily scalp as the small jets of water from a shower head will tend to clean the oily pores much better.

Hair Loss & Sweating

If you are suffering from hair loss and an oily scalp, you may want to work out regularly. I believe the sweating will flush out all the oil from your pores and resulting in a cleaner scalp and lesser hair loss.

What you can do to reduce hair loss?

If you would want to reduce hair loss , you must first understand what kind of scalp you have and what kind of hair loss you are suffering from. For me, I suffer from a super oily scalp and hence my alternatives is always to cure my oily scalp before anything else.

Hair Loss Causes

I have been dropping quite a number of hair recently. I attribute my hair loss causes to sleeping late. I notice that the number of hair loss I experience correspond in tandem with how late I sleep. Nutrition plays a part in hair loss too.


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