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Showing posts from December, 2011

HAIR LOSS SINGAPORE: Happy New Year 2012 to all Hair Loss Readers

The author of SINGAPORE HAIR LOSS SUPPORT GROUP wishes all my hair loss blog readers a HAPPY NEW YEAR 2012! I wish all Hair Loss readers lesser hair loss, more hair regrowth in the coming year 2012! Have a Question on Hair Loss? If you have a question on hair loss, you can email me at , I will share with you my experiences and answer your questions. Get a FREE Hair Loss E-Book! Get a FREE Hair Loss E-book from author of Singapore Hair Loss Support Group. This E-book will give a sharing of the author of Singapore Hair Loss Support Group (SHLSG) on his experiences and journey in his hair loss battle! As the author of SHLSG believes sharing of experiences and lessons of hair loss sufferers is key to fighting hair loss as ONE united hair loss community, to obtain the FREE E-book, readers are to submit their hair loss experiences/journeys in a 200 word article (minimum) to for publication on SHLSG (only the article will...

Reduce hair loss with Alpecin Hair Loss Shampoo

If you are looking for a hair loss shampoo that will reduce your hair loss, you may want to give Alpecin Hair Loss Shampoo a try! I have been suffering from hair loss for many years and have tried many hair loss shampoos, many of which do not work and worst, some of these even irritate my scalp. With the plethora of hair loss shampoos on the market now, it is becoming more and more a challenge for consumers to choose the right kind of shampoo to suit their scalp and reduce or even stop their hair loss.

Hair Loss: more of my hair being lost with new hair loss shampoo!

Ever since switching to a new anti hair loss shampoo: Sebamed anti hair loss shampoo, I have been dropping my hair more and more. It pains my heart to see monies being wasted on yet another shampoo that is not giving me results. The Sebamed anti-dandruff shampoo is okay but I am disappointed at its anti-hair loss counterparts. I googled through the internet and found a forum posting related to Sebamed Hair Loss shampoo review too. Lets chat on Facebook Lets chat on Twitter Like my Facebook Page Subscribe to my Blog: Email me:

Hair Loss and cutting hair: barbers should charge less

For hair loss sufferers like me, going to the barber has now become an increasingly reality-facing thing as I have fewer and fewer strands of hair to be cut by the barber with every visit over time.


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